Library & Accelerated Reader
A single room cannot be all things to all people at all times. It can however, offer different things to a variety of people, trying to fulfill a specific need at a specific time. Our library endeavours to meet these needs by continually adding to its large variety of collections. The space encourages collaboration, inclusivity and welcomes creativity.
Primarily, the library collection instills a meaningful interest in reading, whilst offering the opportunity to develop at an ipsative level. The Accelerated Reader Programme allows pupils to track reading progress independently, using theTOPs report, and with support through teacher-pupil discussions. AR encourages book talk, independent reading choices, and resilient reading behaviour at every level. Academically, it facilitates independent access to a wider and more challenging curriculum.
Collaboration is the mainstay of our library. Together with the Year 8 Librarians, we foster a love of reading in their younger peers. Children become familiar with our collections through making ‘Yes, No, Maybe’ piles, personal research, shared project work and team reading. Collaboration in the library means learning to allow each other the time, space and peace to read quietly on the couch, overlooking the garden, or to build a reading fort (the current incarnation being ‘Bear Castle’). Groups of budding entrepreneurs might launch a small business on the beanbags, whilst a keen drawer is inspired by sharing their passion with a more experienced artist, as members of the Eco Club draft a speech to the Prime Minister.